Erin’s Picks July 2020 | Tile and Plant Babies


I Bet You Didn’t Think I’d Pair These Together


Happy Summer Everyone!

First and foremost, I hope everyone is healthy and well! We miss coming in and seeing all of you in person, but I’m glad we at least have high-speed internet and the technology to see you all via the interwebs.

Imagine if we were still using dial-up and AOL Instant Messenger to communicate? I think we would all be reenacting the printer scene from Office Space on our modems. I do miss away messages though!! I’d totally have some song lyrics up as my Away Message. Yeah, I was that girl. 😀

(For a good laugh, check out IG account modern_away for the away messages of today.) 



I really wanted to adopt a pet while WFH, but was hesitant to since all of my furniture is fairly new and I don’t want it destroyed quite yet. So I’ve instead become a crazy plant lady [kind of]. The apartment I moved into has lots of sunlight, making it ideal for plants. So I’ve bought quite a few, and I’m a sucker for cool pots, so for a while I had more empty pots than plants…mainly because I had killed a couple (over watering and/or not enough sunlight – old apartment was ground level). I’ve been battling spider mites and other pests in a number of my plants. They feel like the same amount of work as a pet sometimes.

Check out my plant babies and my decor that I paired with our tile and luxury vinyl tile (LVT) collections…


I felt like this pot was appropriate given my track record with plants. I got this and the faux terrazzo pot from Hatchet Hardware, an awesome hardware store/everything store in Brunswick, NY. I’ve bought many of my plant babies there and *fingers crossed* these ones survive!! This Finger Jade is one of my OG’s from Hatchet and my Triceratops has a newbie succulent that I’m hoping won’t be too high maintenance – we shall see.

Please Don’t xDiex features the following collections: Dot, Effervescent, Juxtapose, Frammento, Trailblazer, Wavelength, Tune, Arc + Angles, Evoke, Underline, Courtyard


You might have guessed I like dinosaurs – well, you are correct! I especially love Jurassic Park and the Velociraptors. The other reason I love the movies so much is because in Middle School marching band we played the theme song for Jurassic Park. It was my favorite song we ever played. So my Baby Velociraptor is paired with my Baby Rubber Plant and my Living Stone. However, I think someone needs to change the name of the Living Stone because I killed the other two that were in this pot. UGHHHH I keep overwatering them and they basically explode into a gross green ooze. My first Living Stone was named Groot and it actually flowered. This one isn’t getting a name until it has lived a year.

Baby Velociraptor features the following collections: Color + Wood, Tune, Pastille, Steatite, Inside, Natural Elegance, Interweave, Locale, Minimal, Vivid + Metals, 6-gon


I’m totally blanking on the name of this purple beauty. It’s got this shimmery effect on its leaves that didn’t photograph really well, but is awesome on a sunny day. And I don’t remember the name of the mineral next to it either, but I do know that I got it from the Gem, Mineral + Fossil Show in Albany, NY. I have a small collection of different minerals in my apartment along with pieces of stone slabs I pulled from the scrap box when I worked at a stone fabricator. I was like a kid in a candy shop back then. I brought home a lot of stone – not the most fun to move. I do remember who designed my unicorn, it’s from Lora Zombie, one of my favorite artists, and is her first vinyl figurine.

Black Unicorn features the following collections: Network, Hive, Nebula, Fusion, Byte, Harmonious, Inside, Coltina, Interweave, Bricolage, Gradient, Galvanized, Frammento, Impervious


One more thing… Please submit pictures of your work!! We’d LOVE to see what you’ve created with our five designer favorite trends from the past five years.  We’ll be including the pictures in our upcoming Fall/Winter 2021 Featured Collections presentation. Please send us photos of projects that feature any of these five collections… LAVA, SLIDE, MULTIDIMENSIONAL, MAXIMAL, PHASES.

And there’s a PRIZE!!! $25 Amazon gift card if your project installation photo is selected for our final presentation!

Deadline for submissions is Friday, August 7th, 2020. Images can be sent to [email protected].

I hope you enjoyed my plant babies + tile inspiration! I love creating palettes and seeing what colors I can pull from random items.

If you’re in need of some tile-spiration for your next project, our Design Services department is here to help! We can create a curated mood board of tiles that fit your inspiration. Please contact your Architectural Sales Consultant to get started.

Be safe everyone! Miss you!

Until next time…